Quanta Balance

The Meaning Of A Dark Aura: How Aura Analysis Can Improve Your Life

Aura analysis is a tool that can be used to improve your life in a number of ways. It can be used to monitor your state of mind and physical well-being and to identify imbalances that may be affecting your health. You may be asking yourself, what is exactly a biofield? It’s an invisible electromagnetic field that surrounds every living organism. The biofield is a composition of various fields produced by ions, molecules, and cells which make a complex human system with immense electromagnetic capacities.

This article features a visual representation of data generated using the Genius Biofeedback program. Quantum Biofeedback is a method of energetic testing and harmonizing which helps to achieve optimal health. By utilizing an algorithm that interprets the voice and picture, subtle electromagnetic fields surrounding the body can be identified. This field carries information regarding our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual state; when analyzing this data, we are easily able to locate imbalances and make modifications to achieve higher levels of health and wellbeing.

This set of images presents a comparison of the initial and end aura for one session. In order to protect the privacy of our client, we have blurred out their photo. Initially, an aura was recorded, followed by twenty minutes of balancing frequencies playing via headphones. The second aura was completed after this period.

The before image was heavily saturated in black, indicating the contrast between “low density” and vibrant colors. In a metaphorical sense, the use of dark colors symbolizes an individual who’s potentially holding on to negative emotions that are blocking the energy flow within their energy field. It’s very much like a black hole, where it pulls in energy and consumes it for itself. 

When analyzing a black aura, one should consider what type of energy it is pulling in and whether any underlying issues could be present. Dark or black auras pull energies inward. In comparison, brighter colors in an aura suggest that energy is radiating outwardly. Our client demonstrated indications of physical and emotional distress: they had been sick with a cold and experienced lack of sleep as well as digestive issues. This could mirror a continuous cycle between feelings and physical wellbeing; it is unclear if the cold caused emotions or vice versa.

The before picture displays a pink belt and a murky yellow-green color on the outside. According to energy healing theory, pink and purple colors demonstrate higher energy connectivity in the biofield, which is connected to the heart and crown energy centers. Additionally, the exterior yellow-grayish layer can be associated with digestive difficulties and liver gallbladder congestion.

Thankfully, our life force energy fields are naturally inclined to further self-balancing. This can allow physical discomfort and psychological distress to decrease or even disappear. In the after image, it is evident that there was a shift and some degree of resolution. Marked changes in mood are quite tangible from before to after this treatment.

The predominant color in the energy field shifted to blue, which is related to self-expression, communication, and truthfulness. The pink-violet tones were more vibrant post-session, along with some black and yellow-green tones associated with digestive issues fading away. Biofeedback data indicated a notable improvement in the energy flow index, from 33% to 51%. This was evidenced in both pre- and post-session images.

When we’re under stress, our bodies begin to show signs of imbalance. A dark aura may be a sign that our body is seeking equilibrium and trying to restore balance. Through biofeedback, any existing imbalances in our physical or emotional states can be identified. With the right guidance and support, we can gain clarity and progress toward a healthier, happier state.

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