Quanta Balance

How To Balance The Influences Of Different Generations In Our Lives

Have you ever considered that we can be influenced by the energies of our ancestors? This means that the emotions and events that we experience may not always originate with us. This theory suggests that we not only inherit our DNA from our ancestors, but we are also subject to inherited unconscious psycho-somatic mind-body connections. The influence of our ancestors can be far-reaching. We may even be undertaking a mission in life to complete the

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The Curative Power of Bach Flowers

Bach flowers have curative power over our emotions and bodies. Dr. Edward Bach created 38 flowers that mimic different personalities. Each personality will have a positive and negative side. Sometimes, we are taken by surprise when some emotions reach our consciousness. When they are unconscious, they remain in our blind zone. Bringing those emotions to our consciousness can have many advantages as they will not take us by surprise and we can have a better

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A Movement Toward Biofeedback Healing

Biofeedback is a technology that uses a different approach compared to more traditional medical treatment solutions. Recently, there has been a surge in interest in the use of biofeedback to assist in treating various health conditions. Research shows that biofeedback may hold potential in the management of pain symptoms. It is also now being used as a way to detect certain markers in the body by analyzing voice prompts, which can make the process of

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The Surprising Way To Achieve Peace: Solfeggio Tones

Solfeggio tones are a type of ancient healing frequencies that can promote positive mental and physical health. % The most notable benefit of solfeggio tones is their ability to align the body with the frequencies of the universe. This alignment can help to improve mental and physical health, as well as overall well-being.

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The Meaning Of A Dark Aura: How Aura Analysis Can Improve Your Life

Aura analysis is a tool that can be used to improve your life in a number of ways. It can be used to monitor your state of mind and physical well-being and to identify imbalances that may be affecting your health. You may be asking yourself, what is exactly a biofield? It’s an invisible electromagnetic field that surrounds every living organism. The biofield is a composition of various fields produced by ions, molecules, and cells

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Improve Your Eyesight With Biofeedback

Biofeedback can be an ally in improving your eye health. Biofeedback identifies stress disturbances in your system and addresses them at an energetic level. The awareness you get through biofeedback enables you to set an intention to reduce the strain on your eyes and achieve improvements in your overall vision. As we age, it is common for our eyesight to decrease According to the American Family Physician (AFP), vision loss is a major health concern

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