Quanta Balance

The Surprising Way To Achieve Peace: Solfeggio Tones

Have you ever heard a song that inexplicably brought tears to your eyes? You likely felt elevated during that experience, almost as though your heart was lifted and you suddenly had more space for love and clarity. Music is powerful, it’s the essence of the universe and has a profound impact on all beings. When music is harmonic and congruent, it can elevate us and put us in a clear and balanced state of mind. To get a feeling of this, listen to Gregorian chanting, which uses the solfeggio tones. This scale is sacred and can be contrasted to the current musical scale used today. Take the feel of popular music compared to Gregorian chants. The popular music keeps us focused on the external, while the feeling of the chanting is almost immediately being drawn within.

The solfeggio scale is a series of nine tones. This scale was used first by the Benedictine monks to promote inner harmony and healing. In Hertz, the tones are 396, 417, 528 Hz, 639, 741, 852, 963, 174, and 285.

Out of these, my favorite tones are 528 and 417. The first time I listened to the 528 tone, it felt like I was reuniting with an old friend. It’s a beautiful tone that can be experienced best with tuning forks. If you are playing the forks on your own, you can follow the toroid shape of your biofield or imagine you are doing it. No wonder I felt so good, this tone is usually used to support DNA repair, and produce miracles. In music, the 528 Hz sound frequency refers to the note “Mi” and is traced back to the expression “Mi-ra gestorum”, which in Latin means “miracle”. John Lennon composed his popular song Imagine at the 528 Hz frequency. The 528 Hz has a deep connection with nature; for example, bees pollinate flowers by buzzing at a 528 Hz frequency.

My second favorite frequency is 417 Hz. I experienced it when a close family member was having surgery and I felt helpless. I booked a tuning fork session, and the sound of the fork was just like a hoover vacuum cleaner taking away all the heaviness of the situation. At the end of the session, I felt clean and light. I could experience first-hand how the frequency cleared away all the negative energy and blockages and helped bring positive energy that was transformative.

Biofeedback is also a marvelous, effortless way to use solfeggio frequencies. In the Genius biofeedback application, you can test the solfeggio screen to see which of these tones are mostly resonating with you. Once those are identified, you can either incorporate them with other frequencies, or listen to the solfeggio playlist included in your subscription. This way, you can achieve an all-around balancing effect with these harmonic frequencies.

You can explore other methods by searching for music with specific frequencies on YouTube, downloading an app, or purchasing a CD. You could also use tuning forks. Keep a playful attitude and notice of how they sound in nature as opposed to when you are in a quiet space at home. Observe how your pets react to the tones.

Another way to use solfeggio tones is to integrate them into your meditation practice. This can help to improve your mental and physical health by promoting positive vibrations. This alignment can also lead to improved sleep, reduced stress, and increased peace and calm.

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